Plan your day
Start Location
End Location
Rosslyn Central Place Plaza
1700 N. Moore St, Rosslyn, VA 22209

We strongly recommend against trying to play after dark. Some clues will be inaccessible and they will all be difficult to see.


You can take as many breaks you like. We'll take you to an iconic location half way through where you can choose to pause the game, grab and drink and something to eat. If you'd prefer to stop somewhere else, that's fine too.

There are no time limits on the game, so you can take as long as you like to complete it.


The game is approxiately 3.5 miles of walking, you can take as many breaks as needed and there are plenty of places to sit for a rest, cafes and bars with restrooms. Most of the walking is on even sidewalks (with a little on the canal towpath). Wheelchair accessible alternate routes are provided where the route unavoidably takes steps.

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